SRI Education investigated the role and efficacy of online learning technologies targeting literacy and math outcomes for low-skilled adults enrolled in adult basic education programs.
In a two-year research project, SRI Education partnered with a group of adult basic education (ABE) program sites in the Great Lakes region and elsewhere that adopted different online instructional programs. This project investigated how these technologies could be effectively integrated into ABE programs to improve the outcomes of the adults served.
The project studied the adoption of several different online instructional programs, selected to represent a range of approaches to providing online basic literacy and math instruction. Through the use of surveys, interviews, site visits, and analysis of back-end data from the online systems, the project examined the supports and practices needed to leverage the potential of the technologies. The project also investigated the potential efficacy of technology-supported ABE programs in improving student outcomes by implementing a series of quasi-experiments, and experiments when feasible in the study sites.
Principal Investigator: Robert Murphy
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Evaluating Digital Learning for Adult Basic Literacy and Numeracy
Populations: Adult learners
Services: Quasi-experimental designResearch and evaluation