Computer Science

Practical Strategies to Support Online STEM Students: Insights from the Collaborative’s Fall 2024 Webinar

In the November 2024 webinar Building Students’ Motivation and Learning Skills in Online Courses, researchers from the Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative shared insights from the Collaborative’s formative study of technology-enabled instructional strategies designed to support students’ self-directed learning in online and hybrid STEM courses.

Supporting low-income and Latinx students in STEM: Los Angeles City College’s STEM Pathways Program

Although nationally Latinx students declare majors in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields at similar rates as White students, our postsecondary education systems lose Latinx students along the way, resulting in disproportionately fewer Latinx STEM majors and degree holders.

NSF INCLUDES Funds Re-Entry of Women and Women Veterans into the STEM Workforce

Broadening participation in the STEM workforce means taking into account non-traditional academic and career pathways. It can also mean welcoming back people who seek to return to or advance STEM career pursuits they had left behind to join the military, raise families, or for other reasons.

Evaluation of the Career Connected Pathways Project

The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA), in partnership with LeadLocal and Jobs for the Future, is working with school districts in Arizona to increase high-need students’ access to quality career pathways in cybersecurity and computer science. In 2019, CFA received an early-phase Education Innovation and Research grant from the U.S. Department of Education … Continue reading Evaluation of the Career Connected Pathways Project