In the November 2024 webinar Building Students’ Motivation and Learning Skills in Online Courses, researchers from the Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative shared insights from the Collaborative’s formative study of technology-enabled instructional strategies designed to support students’ self-directed learning in online and hybrid STEM courses.
In partnership with Achieving the Dream, SRI is studying how using OER materials can facilitate improved educational experiences for college students through easier access to learning materials and transformative teaching and learning practices.
SRI is investigating the range of high school career development opportunities in Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The study will examine how career development opportunities are implemented, who has access to and participates in them, what students’ experiences are, and how participation is associated with students’ progression in school.
In this brief, we provide a profile of each Beyond ENE grantee that describes its student population during the 2022–23 school year as well as select progress metrics.1 These profiles draw from school administrative data and student survey data. Project: Evaluation of the Engage New England Initiative Download: The Beyond Engage New England Initiative: 2022–23 … Continue reading The Beyond Engage New England Initiative: 2022-23 School Profiles
Suzanne Donovan, executive director of the Strategic Education Research Partnership (SERP) Institute, and Vanessa Coleman, co-director of SRI’s Center for Education Research & Innovation, recently sat down for a conversation with Kori Hamilton Biagas to discuss scaling innovations that disrupt inequity and create system-level change.
In this research brief, we present findings from the Deeper Learning + Diffusion of Innovation and Scaled Impact Initiative (DL+D initiative).
In early 2021, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation contracted with SRI Education to conduct a retrospective evaluation of the foundation’s Deeper Learning + Diffusion of Innovation and Scaled Impact Initiative (DL+D).
The Barr Foundation’s Engage New England (ENE) initiative was an effort to catalyze high school innovation by developing exemplary schools that support the success of students who are off track to graduate. Grounded in the tenets of positive youth development, the ENE initiative provided grants and technical assistance to support new or redesigned schools in … Continue reading Transforming High Schools to Serve Students Who Are Off Track to Graduate
This brief describes the approaches Engage New England (ENE) schools used to support academic case conferencing and their implementation of key practices.