SRI evaluated NGC projects funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to understand the technology features and implementation practices that achieve positive educational impacts at scale. The Next Generation Courseware Challenge (NGC) was launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop personalized courseware to improve learning outcomes and postsecondary success, particularly for … Continue reading Evaluation of the Next Generation Courseware Challenge
SRI examined the impact of a program that combines strong academics with real-world experience. Its goal: help students build a foundation for success in college, careers—and life. In 2009, recognizing the challenges inherent for individual schools or pathways trying to redesign the high school experience, The James Irvine Foundation launched the California Linked Learning District … Continue reading Evaluation of the California Linked Learning District Initiative
This research brief compares the postsecondary outcomes of students in certified Linked Learning pathways with those of peers with similar demographic characteristics and prior achievement in traditional high school programs. Certified pathways are those deemed to have met established quality standards through an external review. We found that Linked Learning students enrolled in college, remained … Continue reading Linked Learning and Postsecondary Transitions: A Report on the Early Postsecondary Education Outcomes of Linked Learning Students
SRI studied the implementation and outcomes of a new consulting model designed to increase the participation and success of low-income students in IB’s Diploma Programme. SRI also examined national postsecondary trends for low-income DP students. In 2014, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) launched Bridging the Equity Gap. Funded by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, … Continue reading Evaluation of International Baccalaureate’s Bridging the Equity Gap Project
SRI Education investigated the role and efficacy of online learning technologies targeting literacy and math outcomes for low-skilled adults enrolled in adult basic education programs. In a two-year research project, SRI Education partnered with a group of adult basic education (ABE) program sites in the Great Lakes region and elsewhere that adopted different online instructional … Continue reading Technologies for Adult Basic Literacies Evaluation (TABLE)
SRI’s evaluation addressed implementation and institutional outcomes of work by 11 high schools and a partnering local college as they worked to establish seamless transitions for students and strengthen instructional quality as required by the Common Core. Implementation of the Common Core State Standards and broader concerns about college and career readiness and college access … Continue reading Evaluation of the CAPP Demonstration Partnerships
To increase participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies and careers, some states have promoted inclusive STEM high schools. This study addressed the question of whether these high schools improve the odds that their graduates will pursue a STEM major in college. State higher education records were obtained for students surveyed as seniors … Continue reading Broadening Participation in STEM College Majors: Effects of Attending a STEM-Focused High School
This article presents two contrasting cases that represent the predominant approaches to engaging employers in workforce education programming: large-scale partnership and employer outreach. Project: Community College Partnership’s Instructional Impacts Download: Journal Article (PDF) Citation Yarnall, L., Tennant, L., & Stites, R. (2016). A framework for evaluating implementation of community college workforce education partnerships and programs. … Continue reading A framework for evaluating implementation of community college workforce education partnerships and programs
SRI Education and partners conducted a 6-year study of community college-employer collaboration to improve the design and delivery of workforce education programming. In the United States, headlines regularly describe the “skills gap” between what employers want and what workers can do. Historically, closing this gap has relied on an informal system of community college workforce … Continue reading Community College Partnership’s Instructional Impacts
For the National Science Foundation, SRI conducted a comprehensive study on success predictors in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education for students with autism. The study was built on a hypothesis that STEM success is influenced by a complex interaction between the individual and their social surroundings. Longitudinal analyses enabled researchers to characterize students’ … Continue reading Success Predictors in Postsecondary STEM Education and Employment for Students with Autism
Given the importance of college for employment and social mobility, policymakers and education leaders are attempting to strengthen the pipeline from high school completion through graduation from a postsecondary institution. The purpose of this research is to examine that pipeline for lowincome International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students. The objectives are to understand how … Continue reading International Baccalaureate National Trends for Low-income Students 2008–2014
SRI’s evaluation of the California Community College Linked Learning Initiative (CCCLLI) addressed implementation issues and institutional and student outcomes of work by three community colleges and partnering K–12 districts to use Linked Learning to improve college transitions and success. The California Community College Linked Learning Initiative (CCCLLI) aimed to increase student success in community college, … Continue reading Evaluation of the California Community College Linked Learning Initiative
Since the 1990s, federal programs for workforce training have aimed to transform the role of community colleges from narrow contract training to a broader role that encompasses strategic instructional program planning and innovation to support lifelong learning for a changing workforce and economic development. Yet, to date, there has been no study of how this … Continue reading Meeting 2020 Workforce Goals: The Role of Industry–College Collaboration and Goals for Instructional Design
SRI’s study of the largest UC outreach program to increase college-going opportunities for underserved students included analysis of EAOP college outcomes relative to those of matched comparison samples. In 2013, SRI conducted the first independent evaluation of the Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) in 10 years. Using extant high school and postsecondary data, SRI assessed … Continue reading Study of University of California Early Academic Outreach Program
The University of California (UC) established the Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) in 1976 to improve access to UC for students from underserved schools, targeting low-income, first-generation college, and minority students who have traditionally been underrepresented in postsecondary education. This report assesses the current status and success of the EAOP since the last independent evaluation … Continue reading Promoting Access to College in an Era of Fiscal Constraints: The University of California’s Early Academic Outreach Program