In recent years, Tennessee education leaders have expressed concern over stagnant or declining college enrollment rates and a weak education-to-workforce pipeline.1 According to the State Collaborative on Reforming Education, only 26 percent of Tennessee students who started high school in 2012 earned a postsecondary degree by summer 2022, with even lower percentages for students of color over the same time period.1,2 Alarms were sounding.
What do high school graduates need to know and be able to do to be prepared for college and career? This is the fundamental question that state policy makers confront when determining minimum high school graduation requirements or assessing whether these requirements need to change to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving economy.
The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA), in partnership with LeadLocal and Jobs for the Future, is working with school districts in Arizona to increase high-need students’ access to quality career pathways in cybersecurity and computer science. In 2019, CFA received an early-phase Education Innovation and Research grant from the U.S. Department of Education … Continue reading Evaluation of the Career Connected Pathways Project
Accelerated learning opportunities are becoming increasingly common strategies to promote high school graduation and encourage college enrollment. Through mechanisms such as Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, students get a head start on earning college credit while still in high school. The goals for enrolling students in these courses are to … Continue reading Dual Enrollment: Lessons Learned on School‐Level Implementation
SRI’s evaluation addressed implementation and institutional outcomes of work by 11 high schools and a partnering local college as they worked to establish seamless transitions for students and strengthen instructional quality as required by the Common Core. Implementation of the Common Core State Standards and broader concerns about college and career readiness and college access … Continue reading Evaluation of the CAPP Demonstration Partnerships
SRI studied state policies supporting dual enrollment and dual credit offerings for high school students. To understand the policy environment governing the development and sustainability of dual-enrollment programs, SRI conducted intense case studies in states that were selected to represent a range of policy environments and coordination between the K–12 and higher education systems. These … Continue reading Bridging the Divide: High School and College Dual Enrollment