SRI studied efforts by Oakland Unified School District and health industry partners to improve educational and employment outcomes of underrepresented minority and low-income youth and to expose them careers in health care.
Encouraging more low-income students of color to pursue a health care career pathway has the potential not only to lead to good employment, but also to improve community health. In 2015, the Atlantic Philanthropies awarded a grant to Oakland Unified School District to expand and improve health care career pathways. The project supports collaboration between education and industry and seeks to improve educational and employment outcomes among youth of color. SRI’s evaluation consisted of an implementation study and a quasi-experimental outcomes study.
Co-Principal Investigator: Miya Warner
Co-Principal Investigator: CJ Park
Related publications
Student Experiences in Health Pathways: Findings from an Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways
Evaluation of the Oakland Health Pathways Project: Final Report
Populations: Low incomeStudents of colorStudents off track to graduate
Services: Implementation researchLinked learningQualitative researchQuasi-experimental designResearch and evaluation