To increase participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies and careers, some states have promoted inclusive STEM high schools. This study addressed the question of whether these high schools improve the odds that their graduates will pursue a STEM major in college. State higher education records were obtained for students surveyed as seniors … Continue reading Broadening Participation in STEM College Majors: Effects of Attending a STEM-Focused High School
SRI’s evaluation of the California Community College Linked Learning Initiative (CCCLLI) addressed implementation issues and institutional and student outcomes of work by three community colleges and partnering K–12 districts to use Linked Learning to improve college transitions and success. The California Community College Linked Learning Initiative (CCCLLI) aimed to increase student success in community college, … Continue reading Evaluation of the California Community College Linked Learning Initiative
SRI evaluated the effectiveness of high schools that offer students the opportunity to simultaneously pursue a high school diploma and earn up to 2 years of college credits. SRI, in conjunction with the American Institutes for Research, conducted a multiyear evaluation of the Early College High School (ECS) initiative. ECSs are created through a partnership … Continue reading Evaluation of the Early College High School Initiative