Los Angeles City College’s STEM Pathways Program is supporting success for students who are underrepresented in STEM disciplines.
Launched in 2016, the STEM Pathways Program at Los Angeles City College aimed to increase low-income and Hispanic/Latinx students’ participation and success in STEM fields. The program included STEM tutoring, specialized counseling, faculty mentoring, math boot camps, undergraduate research experiences and supplemental instruction. The college engaged SRI Education as the independent evaluator to give formative feedback on the program’s implementation and document its impact on student outcomes, such as STEM GPA, course completion, and degree attainment. The study combined student participation, demographic, and performance data to examine program impact using a quasi-experimental design.
Lead Investigator: Kyra Caspary
Project Director: Allison Milby
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institution STEM and Articulation Program
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Los Angeles City College’s STEM Pathways Program: Participation and Impact
Populations: Low incomeStudents of color
Services: Implementation researchResearch and evaluation
Content: STEM