SRI’s evaluation addressed implementation and institutional outcomes of work by 11 high schools and a partnering local college as they worked to establish seamless transitions for students and strengthen instructional quality as required by the Common Core.
Implementation of the Common Core State Standards and broader concerns about college and career readiness and college access have highlighted the need for better collaboration between K–12 and the postsecondary education systems in California.
The California Academic Partnership Program’s (CAPP) Demonstration Partnership project supported the formation of partnerships across public secondary schools, districts, local education agencies, community colleges, and baccalaureate-granting institutions to strengthen the quality of instruction required by the California Common Core State Standards. Additionally, the partnerships were charged with examining local policies that acted as barriers to seamless transitions into and through higher education.
SRI evaluated 11 CAPP Demonstration Partnerships across California, documenting the formation of and progress within and across the partnerships. The final report summarizes our findings on the partnerships’ formation and lessons learned over the 3 years of the study.
Evaluation findings offer insights into the potential impact of partnerships between K–12 systems and colleges to foster alignment across the educational levels and to change policies that act as barriers to college access.
Principal Investigator: Regie Stites
Project Director: Kristin Bosetti
Populations: High school students
Services: Research and evaluation