Career and technical education

SRI Partners with LAUSD to Investigate Career Development Opportunities in Its Schools

SRI is excited to announce a new partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to examine career development opportunities (CDOs) in the district.

Career Development Opportunities in Los Angeles Unified School District

SRI is investigating the range of high school career development opportunities in Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The study will examine how career development opportunities are implemented, who has access to and participates in them, what students’ experiences are, and how participation is associated with students’ progression in school.

How Community Colleges Can Build Employability Skills for STEM Technicians

Over the past 2 decades, the United States has seen enormous growth in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. This growth has been particularly strong for high skill technician jobs in technology and computer science, which offer a promising path to the middle class for many Americans.

Then and Now—and Now What? Career and Technical Education Credential Attainment in Virginia

In an effort to ensure that students graduate from high school ready for success in postsecondary education or the workforce, Virginia implemented a new policy that, starting in 2017, required nearly half of public school graduates to earn a career and technical education (CTE) credential. This

The Potential of College and Career Pathways in Alternative School Settings

Alternative high schools were originally conceived of as a place where students who were not succeeding in a traditional setting could have their academic needs met. These schools have developed negative stigmas, with the reputation as being credit-recovery factories for students who are off-track to graduate.

How Do They Fare? The Impact of Participating in Health Pathways on Student Outcomes

The Oakland Health Pathways Project involves education and industry partners in expanding education and long-term employment opportunities for youth of color in Oakland, California. Project partners used the Linked Learning approach to engage students in education and employment experiences related to the health care field.

Evaluation of the Career Connected Pathways Project

The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA), in partnership with LeadLocal and Jobs for the Future, is working with school districts in Arizona to increase high-need students’ access to quality career pathways in cybersecurity and computer science. In 2019, CFA received an early-phase Education Innovation and Research grant from the U.S. Department of Education … Continue reading Evaluation of the Career Connected Pathways Project

Evaluation of the Oakland Health Pathways Project: Final Report

This final evaluation report presents findings from the Oakland Health Pathways Project (OHPP), a joint initiative of Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), Alameda Health System, and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The initiative is designed to improve educational and long-term employment outcomes for youth of color in Oakland (Alameda County), California, while expanding and … Continue reading Evaluation of the Oakland Health Pathways Project: Final Report

Implementing Health Pathways in Continuation High Schools: Findings from an Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways

This brief presents findings from the Oakland Health Pathways Project (OHPP), a joint initiative of Oakland Unified School District, Alameda Health System, and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The initiative is designed to improve educational and long-term employment outcomes for youth of color in Oakland (Alameda County), California, while expanding and diversifying the local … Continue reading Implementing Health Pathways in Continuation High Schools: Findings from an Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways

Student Outcomes in Health Pathways: High School and Early Postsecondary Findings from an Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways

This brief presents findings from the Oakland Health Pathways Project (OHPP), a joint initiative of Oakland Unified School District, Alameda Health System, and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The initiative is designed to improve educational and long-term employment outcomes for youth of color in Oakland (Alameda County), California, while expanding and diversifying the local … Continue reading Student Outcomes in Health Pathways: High School and Early Postsecondary Findings from an Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways

Student Experiences in Health Pathways: Findings from an Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways

This brief presents findings from an evaluation of the Oakland Health Pathways Project (OHPP), a joint initiative of Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), Alameda Health System (AHS), and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency (ACHCSA). OUSD applies Linked Learning, an approach to college and career preparation that combines classroom learning with real-world work experiences, to … Continue reading Student Experiences in Health Pathways: Findings from an Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways

Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways Project

SRI studied efforts by Oakland Unified School District and health industry partners to improve educational and employment outcomes of underrepresented minority and low-income youth and to expose them careers in health care. Encouraging more low-income students of color to pursue a health care career pathway has the potential not only to lead to good employment, … Continue reading Evaluation of Oakland Health Pathways Project

Evaluating Digital Learning for Adult Basic Literacy and Numeracy

More than 36 million adults in the United States do not have the basic literacy and math skills needed for many entry-level jobs and even less so for the types of jobs expected to dominate in the future. And current federal- and state-funded adult basic education (ABE) programs, the main providers of skill development and … Continue reading Evaluating Digital Learning for Adult Basic Literacy and Numeracy

Statewide Evaluation of Career and Technical Education Programs

Through an evaluation of career and technical education programs in Texas, SRI is determining what makes high-quality programs sustainable and scalable. SRI examined the characteristics and quality of career and technical education (CTE) programs in Texas. The study team described CTE programs in the state, including programs offered, students served, and student attainment and developed … Continue reading Statewide Evaluation of Career and Technical Education Programs

Technologies for Adult Basic Literacies Evaluation (TABLE)

SRI Education investigated the role and efficacy of online learning technologies targeting literacy and math outcomes for low-skilled adults enrolled in adult basic education programs. In a two-year research project, SRI Education partnered with a group of adult basic education (ABE) program sites in the Great Lakes region and elsewhere that adopted different online instructional … Continue reading Technologies for Adult Basic Literacies Evaluation (TABLE)